Take a class with me at the New Orleans Clay Collective

I’m teaching a single-session class on Sunday, November 5 from 1-4pm. Join me to make a few small pinch pot dishes and decorate them using the sgraffito technique.

Carving designs in clay (Nov. 5, 1-4pm)
from $55.00

Carve into clay to make beautiful designs as you create your own small dish. Students will make 2-3 small pinch pot catch dishes to decorate using the sgrafitto technique.  Sgraffito comes from the Italian word β€œgraffiare” which means β€œto scratch.” Join Glynnis at the New Orleans Clay Collective in St. Roch for this fun, one-time class.

This class is beginner friendly, and students are encouraged to bring images (print outs) for inspiration. This class is designed for adults, but children over eight are welcome to sign up with an adult participant (each register for a spot).

All materials and tools will be provided, no experience required. Pieces will be fired and glazed in the weeks following the class.

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